Source code for src.instruments.srs830

"""DSP Lock-In Amplifier

from time import sleep
from src.core import instrument as inst
from src.core.instrument import visa
from src.core.action import Action, ActionScan
from src.core.action import ActionSpec, ParameterSpec
from import splitAtComma

REFERENCE_SOURCES = ['External', 'Internal']
REFERENCE_TRIGGERS = ['Sine zero crossing', 'TTL rising edge', 
                      'TTL falling edge']

INPUT_CONFIGS = ['A', 'A-B', 'I (1 MOhm)', 'I (100 MOhm)']
INPUT_GROUNDS = ['Float', 'Ground']
INPUT_NOTCHES = ['Out or none', 'Line notch in', '2x line notch in',
                 'Both notches in']

SENSITIVITIES = ['2nV', '5nV', '10nV', '20nV', '50nV', 
                 '100nV', '200nV', '500nV', 
                 '1uV', '2uV', '5uV', '10uV', '20uV', '50uV', 
                 '100uV', '200uV', '500uV', 
                 '1mV', '2mV', '5mV', '10mV', '20mV', '50mV',
                 '100mV', '200mV', '500mV', '1V']
RESERVE_MODES = ['High reserve', 'Normal', 'Low noise (minimum)']
TIME_CONSTANTS = ['10us', '30us', '100us', '300us', 
                  '1ms', '3ms', '10ms', '30ms', '100ms', '300ms', 
                  '1s', '3s', '10s', '30s', '100s', '300s', 
                  '1ks', '3ks', '10ks', '30ks']
FILTER_SLOPES = ['6 dB/oct', '12 dB/oct', '18 dB/oct', '24 dB/oct']
SYNC_FILTERS = ['Off', 'Below 200 Hz']          

[docs]class SRS830(inst.Instrument): """Driver for an SRS830 lock-in amplifier.""" def __init__ (self, experiment, name='SRS830: Lock-in amplifier', spec=None): super(SRS830, self).__init__(experiment, name, spec) self._instrument = None self._info = 'Name: ' + self.getName() self._info += 'Model: SRS830 Lock-in amplifier'
[docs] def initialize (self): """Open the communication channel.""" self._instrument = visa.instrument(self.getSpecification()[0].value) self._info += '\n' + self._instrument.ask('*IDN?')
[docs] def finalize(self): """Close the communication channel.""" self._instrument.close()
[docs] def getAddress (self): """Return the instrument's VISA resource address.""" return self.getSpecification()[0].value #---------------------------------------------------- Data transfer commands
[docs] def readSingleVoltageXY (self): """Take a single in- and out-of-phase voltage measurement.""" result = splitAtComma(self._instrument.ask('SNAP? 1,2')) return (result[0], result[1])
[docs] def readAverageVoltageXY (self, pretime, numavg, intertime): """Take an average in- and out-of-phase voltage measurement.""" action = self._instrument.ask strings = ['']*numavg sleep(pretime) for i in range(numavg): strings[i] = action('SNAP? 1,2') sleep(intertime) voltagesX = [0]*len(numavg) voltagesY = [0]*len(numavg) for index, item in enumerate(strings): result = splitAtComma(item) voltagesX[index] = result[0] voltagesY[index] = result[1] return (sum(voltagesX)/len(voltagesX), sum(voltagesY)/len(voltagesY)) #---------------------------------------------- Reference and phase commands
[docs] def setReferencePhase(self, phase): """Set the lock-in's reference phase.""" self._instrument.write('PHAS %.2f' % phase) return ()
[docs] def getReferencePhase(self): """Get the lock-in's reference phase.""" return (float(self._instrument.ask('PHAS?')), )
[docs] def setReferenceSource(self, source): """Set the lock-in's reference source.""" self._instrument.write('FMOD %d' % REFERENCE_SOURCES.index(source)) return ()
[docs] def getReferenceSource(self): """Get the lock-in's reference source.""" return (REFERENCE_SOURCES[int(self._instrument.ask('FMOD?'))], )
[docs] def setReferenceFrequency(self, freq): """Set the lock-in's reference frequency.""" self._instrument.write('FREQ %.5f' % freq) return ()
[docs] def getReferenceFrequency(self): """Get the lock-in's reference frequency.""" return (float(self._instrument.ask('FREQ?')), )
[docs] def setReferenceTrigger(self, trig): """Set the lock-in's reference trigger for external reference mode.""" self._instrument.write('RSLP %d' % REFERENCE_TRIGGERS.index(trig)) return ()
[docs] def getReferenceTrigger(self): """Get the lock-in's reference trigger for external reference mode.""" return (REFERENCE_TRIGGERS[int(self._instrument.ask('RSLP?'))], )
[docs] def setDetectionHarmonic(self, harm): """Set the lock-in's detection harmonic.""" self._instrument.write('HARM %d' % harm) return ()
[docs] def getDetectionHarmonic(self): """Get the lock-in's detection harmonic.""" return (int(self._instrument.ask('HARM?')), )
[docs] def setReferenceVoltage (self, vref): """Set the lock-in's reference voltage.""" self._instrument.write('SLVL %.4f' % vref) return ()
[docs] def getReferenceVoltage(self): """Get the lock-in's reference voltage.""" return (float(self._instrument.ask('SLVL?')), ) #------------------------------------------------- Input and filter commands
[docs] def setInputConfiguration(self, config): """Set the lock-in's input configuration.""" self._instrument.write('ISRC %d' % INPUT_CONFIGS.index(config)) return ()
[docs] def getInputConfiguration(self): """Get the lock-in's input configuration.""" return (INPUT_CONFIGS[int(self._instrument.ask('ISRC?')), ])
[docs] def setInputGrounding(self, ground): """Set the lock-in's input shield grounding configuration.""" self._instrument.write('IGND %d' % INPUT_GROUNDS.index(ground)) return ()
[docs] def getInputGrounding(self): """Get the lock-in's input shield grounding configuration.""" return (INPUT_GROUNDS[int(self._instrument.ask('IGND?'))], )
[docs] def setInputCoupling(self, cpl): """Set the lock-in's input coupling configuration.""" self._instrument.write('ICPL %d' % INPUT_COUPLINGS.index(cpl)) return ()
[docs] def getInputCoupling(self): """Get the lock-in's input coupling configuration.""" return (INPUT_COUPLINGS[int(self._instrument.ask('ICPL?'))], )
[docs] def setInputNotch(self, notch): """Set the input line notch filter status.""" self._instrument.write('ILIN %d' % INPUT_NOTCHES.index(notch)) return ()
[docs] def getInputNotch(self): """Get the input line notch filter status.""" return (INPUT_NOTCHES[int(self._instrument.ask('ILIN?'))], ) #------------------------------------------- Gain and time constant commands
[docs] def setSensitivity (self, sens): """Set the lock-in's sensitivity.""" self._instrument.write('SENS %d' % SENSITIVITIES.index(sens)) return ()
[docs] def getSensitivity (self): """Get the lock-in's sensitivity.""" return (SENSITIVITIES[int(self._instrument.ask('SENS?'))], )
[docs] def setReserveMode (self, mode): """Set the lock-in's reserve mode.""" self._instrument.write('RMOD %d' % RESERVE_MODES.index(mode)) return ()
[docs] def getReserveMode (self): """Get the lock-in's reserve mode.""" return (RESERVE_MODES[int(self._instrument.ask('RMOD?'))], )
[docs] def setTimeConstant (self, tconst): """Set the lock-in's time constant.""" self._instrument.write('OFLT %d' % TIME_CONSTANTS.index(tconst)) return ()
[docs] def getTimeConstant (self): """Get the lock-in's time constant.""" return (TIME_CONSTANTS[int(self._instrument.ask('OFLT?'))], )
[docs] def setLowPassFilter (self, filt): """Set the lock-in's low-pass filter slope.""" self._instrument.write('OFSL %d' % FILTER_SLOPES.index(filt)) return ()
[docs] def getLowPassFilter (self): """Get the lock-in's low-pass filter slope.""" return (FILTER_SLOPES[int(self._instrument.ask('OFSL?'))], )
[docs] def setSynchronousFilter (self, filt): """Set the lock-in's synchronous filter status.""" self._instrument.write('SYNC %d' % SYNC_FILTERS.index(filt)) return ()
[docs] def getSynchronousFilter (self): """Get the lock-in's synchronous filter status.""" return (SYNC_FILTERS[int(self._instrument.ask('SYNC?'))], )
[docs] def getAllParameters(self): """Read all lock-in parameters.""" return (self.getReferencePhase()[0], self.getReferenceSource()[0], self.getReferenceFrequency()[0], self.getReferenceTrigger()[0], self.getDetectionHarmonic()[0], self.getReferenceVoltage()[0], self.getInputConfiguration()[0], self.getInputGrounding()[0], self.getInputCoupling()[0], self.getInputNotch()[0], self.getSensitivity()[0], self.getReserveMode()[0], self.getTimeConstant()[0], self.getLowPassFilter()[0], self.getSynchronousFilter()[0] ) #--------------------------------------------------------- Action definition
[docs] def getActions (self): """Get the list of supported actions.""" return [ ActionSpec('read_voltages', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Read average voltages (X and Y)', 'inputs': [ ParameterSpec('pretime', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Time before averaging (s)', 'formatString': '%.3f', 'binName': None, 'binType': None, 'value': 0.1, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('numavg', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Number of averages', 'formatString': '%d', 'binName': None, 'binType': None, 'value': 100, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('intertime', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Time between averages (s)', 'formatString': '%.3f', 'binName': None, 'binType': None, 'value': 0.01, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}) ], 'outputs': [ ParameterSpec('avgvx', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Average Vx', 'formatString': '%.6e', 'binName': 'Vx_avg', 'binType': 'column', 'value': 0, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('avgvy', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Average Vy', 'formatString': '%.6e', 'binName': 'Vy_avg', 'binType': 'column', 'value': 0, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': ('Wait $pretime s, ' 'then average voltage $numavg times, ' 'spaced by $intertime s'), 'method': self.readAverageVoltageXY } ), ActionSpec('read_voltages_single', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Read single voltage (X and Y)', 'outputs': [ ParameterSpec('vx', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Vx', 'formatString': '%.6e', 'binName': 'Vx', 'binType': 'column', 'value': 0, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('vy', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Vy', 'formatString': '%.6e', 'binName': 'Vy', 'binType': 'column', 'value': 0, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': 'Read the in-phase and out-of-phase voltages once.', 'method': self.readSingleVoltageXY } ), ActionSpec('set_vref', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Set reference voltage', 'inputs': [ ParameterSpec('vref', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Vref (V)', 'formatString': '%.3e', 'binName': 'Vref (V)', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 0.0, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': 'Set the sine-out voltage to $vref.', 'method': self.setReferenceVoltage } ), ActionSpec('get_vref', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Get reference voltage', 'outputs': [ ParameterSpec('vref', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Vref', 'formatString': '%.3e', 'binName': 'Vref (V)', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 0.0, 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': 'Get the sine-out voltage.', 'method': self.getReferenceVoltage } ), ActionSpec('set_sens', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Set sensitivity', 'inputs': [ ParameterSpec('sens', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Sensitivity', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': None, 'binType': None, 'value': '10uV', 'allowed': list(SENSITIVITIES), 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': 'Set sensitivity to $sens.', 'method': self.setSensitivity } ), ActionSpec('set_tc', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Set time constant', 'inputs': [ ParameterSpec('tconst', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Time constant', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': None, 'binType': None, 'value': '300ms', 'allowed': list(TIME_CONSTANTS), 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': 'Set time constant to $tconst.', 'method': self.setTimeConstant } ), ActionSpec('read_params', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Read parameters', 'outputs': [ ParameterSpec('ref_phase', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Ref. phase', 'formatString': '%.2f', 'binName': self._name + ' - Reference Phase (deg)', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 0.0, 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('ref_source', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Ref. source', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Reference source', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'Internal', 'allowed': list(REFERENCE_SOURCES), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('ref_freq', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Ref. frequency', 'formatString': '%.4f', 'binName': self._name + ' - Reference frequency (Hz)', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': '19.0000', 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('ref_trig', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Ref. trigger', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Reference trigger', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'Sine zero crossing', 'allowed': list(REFERENCE_TRIGGERS), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('harm', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Detection harmonic', 'formatString': '%d', 'binName': self._name + ' - Detection harmonic', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': '1', 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('vref', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Ref. voltage', 'formatString': '%.3f', 'binName': self._name + ' - Reference voltage (V)', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': '1.000', 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('conf', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Input config', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Input configuration', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'A-B', 'allowed': list(INPUT_CONFIGS), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('ground', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Input grounding', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Input grounding', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'Ground', 'allowed': list(INPUT_GROUNDS), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('couple', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Input coupling', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Input coupling', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'AC', 'allowed': list(INPUT_COUPLINGS), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('notch', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Notch filter', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Notch filter', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'Out or none', 'allowed': list(INPUT_NOTCHES), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('sens', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Sensitivity', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Sensitivity', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': '10uV', 'allowed': list(SENSITIVITIES), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('mode', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Reserve mode', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Reserve mode', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'High reserve', 'allowed': list(RESERVE_MODES), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('tconst', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Time constant', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Time constant', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': '300ms', 'allowed': list(TIME_CONSTANTS), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('lp_filt', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Low-pass filter', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Low-pass filter slope', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': '6 dB/oct', 'allowed': list(FILTER_SLOPES), 'instantiate': False}), ParameterSpec('sync_filt', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Synchronous filter', 'formatString': '%s', 'binName': self._name + ' - Synchronous filter', 'binType': 'parameter', 'value': 'Off', 'allowed': list(SYNC_FILTERS), 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': 'Read all lock-in parameters.', 'method': self.getAllParameters } ), ActionSpec('scan_vref', ActionScan, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Scan reference voltage', 'inputs': [ ParameterSpec('vref', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Reference voltage', 'formatString': '%.3f', 'binName': 'V_ref', 'binType': 'column', 'value': [(0,0,0)], 'allowed': None, 'instantiate': False}) ], 'string': 'Scan reference voltage', 'method': self.setReferenceVoltage } ) ] #=========================================================================== # Class methods #===========================================================================
@classmethod def getRequiredParameters(cls): return [inst.InstrumentParameter('VISA Address', '', inst.getVisaAddresses, '%s')]