The src package

Software sources.

The objects

This software makes heavy use of the object-oriented paradigm. A typical experiment consists of a sequence of commands sent to and responses read from some collection of instruments. Each instrument is represented, naturally enough, by an Instrument object, and each operation on a given instrument is represented by an Action object (or an object of one of its subclasses).


The core package contains the modules which are primarily responsible for the general operation of an experiment. This includes modules defining the prototypical Action and Experiment.
The dev package contains a few modules which are useful for the development of the software, including scripts for generating the documentation and updating the subversion repository. It also contains some components which are in the process of being written and not yet suitable for incorporation in the main program.
The gui package contains the components of the graphical front-end to the contents of the core package.
The instruments package contains modules which define classes which serve as explicit representations of specific instruments. Essentially, these classes act as high-level drivers for the instruments.
The premades package provides a collection of graphical interfaces for quickly configuring the system to perform common measurements, like magnetoresistance measurements, which are performed so frequently and in such a uniform manner (i.e. they are performed in essentially the same way every time) that dealing with the full, customizable sequence editor would be excessive.
The tools package consists of a number of utility modules for interacting with the computer or other computers, monitoring trends in data, and performing calculations, among other things.

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