"""New tools for parsing configuration files."""
import ConfigParser as cp
import re
_BOOLEAN_STATES = {'true': True,
'yes': True,
'1': True,
1: True,
'false': False,
'no': False,
'0': False,
0: False}
[docs]class ConfigParser(object):
"""A class to parse configuration files in a variety of ways.
filePath : string
The absolute path to the configuration file.
fileFormat : int
The flag indicating the format of the configuration file. Options are
the following:
The file is treated as a standard configuration file. All
return values are strings, unless one of the specialized
accessor methods is used.
The file consists of entries formatted according to __repr__,
so that they can be cast back to the appropriate types using
The parser attempts to guess the format of the entries based
on syntax.
substitutions : dict
A dictionary whose keys are strings. The values will be substituted
into the file wherever the corresponding key is referenced (using the
standard rules for string formatting).
defaultValues : dict
A dictionaries whose keys are tuples of strings. The first element of
each tuple should be a section name, and the second element should be
an option name. Whenever a section and option is requested, not
found in the configuration file, and found in `defaultValues`, the
value from `defaultValues` will be returned and written to the file in
the appropriate place.
preserveCase : bool
Whether the names of the sections and options should preserve case.
def __init__(self, filePath, fileFormat, substitutions=None,
defaultValues=None, preserveCase=True):
self._filePath = filePath
self._fileFormat = fileFormat
self._defaultValues = {}
if defaultValues is not None:
for item in defaultValues:
section, option = item
if section not in self._defaultValues:
self._defaultValues[section] = {option: defaultValues[item]}
self._defaultValues[section][option] = defaultValues[item]
if substitutions is None:
self._configParser = cp.ConfigParser()
self._configParser = cp.ConfigParser(substitutions)
if preserveCase:
self._configParser.optionxform = str
[docs] def getSections(self):
"""Return a list of available sections.
list of str
A list of strings specifying the sections included in both the
configuration file and the dictionary of default values.
answer = self._configParser.sections()
for item in self._defaultValues:
if item not in answer:
return answer
[docs] def getOptions(self, section):
"""Return a list of options under a specified section.
Return a list of strings specifying the keys contained within a
specified section, including the information from both the defaults
dictionary and the configuration file. Each option will occur only once.
section : str
The section whose options should be retrieved.
list of str
A list of strings indicating the options listed under the specified
answer = None
if self._configParser.has_section(section):
answer = self._configParser.options(section)
if section in self._defaultValues:
if answer is None:
answer = []
for item in self._defaultValues[section]:
if item not in answer:
return answer
[docs] def getOptionsDict(self, section):
"""Return a dictionary containing the options and values in a section.
section : str
The section whose values should be returned.
A dictionary containing the names of the options in the specified
section and the values associated with those options.
answer = {}
for option in self.getOptions(section):
answer[option] = self.get(section, option)
return answer
[docs] def get(self, section, option, default=None, converter=None):
"""Read a value from the configuration file.
Attempt to read a value from the configuration file under the section
`section` and associated with the key `option`. If either of these is
missing from the file, search the dictionary of default values. If
either the section or the key is missing from that dictionary, also,
return `default`.
If the file format is FORMAT_BASIC and the requested item is found in
the file, return the `string` from the file, passed through `converter`
if it is specified.
If the file format is FORMAT_REPR and the requested item is found in
the file, return the value from the file, passed first through `eval`
and then, if it is specified, through `converter`.
If the file format is FORMAT_AUTO and the requested item is found in
the file, attempt to guess the type of the data in the file, cast the
data to that type, and return it, passing it through `converter` if it
is specified.
If the requested data is not found in the file, return the appropriate
element from the dictionary of default values, passed through
`converter` if it is specified.
If the requested data is not found in either the file or the defaults
dictionary, return `default`, passed through `converter` if it is
Finally, after any/all conversions have taken place, write the value
that will be returned to the configuration file and return said value.
In summary,
- `converter`, if specified, takes precedence over all other
data type casting; and
- the search order is (1) the configuration file, (2) the dictionary
of default values, and (3) the default supplied to this method.
section : string
The section from which the value should be read.
option : string
The item within the specified section whose value should be read.
default : (variant)
The value to return if the specified section or option does not
exist in either the file or the dictionary of default values.
converter : function
A function to convert the value to the appropriate type.
The value associated with `section` and `option` in the
configuration file.
changed = False
if not self._configParser.has_section(section):
changed = True
if self._configParser.has_option(section, option):
value = self._configParser.get(section, option)
elif section in self._defaultValues:
if option in self._defaultValues[section]:
value = self._defaultValues[section][option]
value = default
changed = True
value = default
changed = True
if self._fileFormat == FORMAT_REPR:
value = eval(value)
elif self._fileFormat == FORMAT_AUTO:
value = _parseSequence(value)
if converter is not None:
value = converter(value)
changed = True
if changed:
self.set(section, option, value)
return value
[docs] def getInt(self, section, option, default=0):
"""Return a value from the configuration file as an integer.
section : string
The section from which the value should be read.
option : string
The item within the specified section whose value should be read.
default : int
The value to return if the specified section or option does not
exist in either the file or the dictionary of default values.
The integer associated with the specified section and key, or
`default` if no such entry exists.
return self.get(section, option, default, int)
[docs] def getFloat(self, section, option, default=0):
"""Return a value from the configuration file as a float.
section : string
The section from which the value should be read.
option : string
The item within the specified section whose value should be read.
default : float
The value to return if the specified section or option does not
exist in either the file or the dictionary of default values.
The float associated with the specified section and key, or
`default` if no such entry exists.
return self.get(section, option, default, float)
[docs] def getBoolean(self, section, option, default=False):
"""Return a value from the configuration file as a boolean.
section : string
The section from which the value should be read.
option : string
The item within the specified section whose value should be read.
default : bool
The value to return if the specified section or option does not
exist in either the file or the dictionary of default values.
The boolean associated with the specified section and key, or
`default` if no such entry exists.
return self.get(section, option, default, _bool)
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value):
"""Write a value to the configuration file.
If the file format is FORMAT_REPR, pass `value` through the `repr`
function before writing it.
section : str
The section within the file which should contain the option
to be written.
option : str
The key within `section` with which the data should be associated.
value : (variant)
The value to be associated with the given key in the given section.
if self._fileFormat == FORMAT_REPR:
value = repr(value)
if not self._configParser.has_section(section):
self._configParser.set(section, option, value)
with open(self._filePath, 'w') as configFile:
return value
#-------------------------------------------------------------- Helper functions
def _bool(value):
"""Return the specified value as a boolean.
value : (variant)
The value which should be converted to a boolean.
The `value`, cast to a boolean if possible, or `None` otherwise.
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip()
if value.lower() in _BOOLEAN_STATES:
return _BOOLEAN_STATES[value.lower()]
return None
def _parseSingle(string):
"""Convert a single element into the appropriate type."""
string = string.strip()
if len(string) == 0:
return ''
pattern = re.compile(r'[^0-9]')
if not pattern.search(string):
return int(string)
pattern = re.compile(r'[^0-9\.eE]')
if not pattern.search(string):
if (string.count('.') <= 1 and
(string.count('e') + string.count('E') <= 1)):
return float(string)
boolValue = _bool(string)
if boolValue is not None:
return boolValue
if string[0] == string[-1]:
if string[0] == '"' or string[0] == "'":
return string[1:-1]
elif string[1] == string[-1]:
if ((string[0] == 'u' or string[0] == 'r') and
(string[1] == '"' or string[1] == "'")):
return string[2:-1]
if string == 'None':
return None
return string
def _parseSequence(string, delimiter=','):
"""Convert a string to a sequence of items."""
if not isinstance(string, str):
return string
string = string.strip()
if string.startswith('[') and string.endswith(']'):
sequenceType = 'list'
elif string.startswith('(') and string.endswith(')'):
sequenceType = 'tuple'
return _parseSingle(string)
string = string[1:-1]
tokens = []
current = []
plev = 0
blev = 0
sqopen = False
dqopen = False
for char in string:
if char == '[':
blev += 1
elif char == ']':
blev -= 1
elif char == '(':
plev += 1
elif char == ')':
plev -= 1
elif char == '"':
dqopen = not dqopen
elif char == "'":
sqopen = not sqopen
elif (char == delimiter and plev == 0 and blev == 0 and
not sqopen and not dqopen):
current = []
if len(current) > 0:
if sequenceType == 'tuple':
tokens = tuple(tokens)
return tokens
if __name__ == '__main__':
filename = '/home/thomas/Desktop/config.conf'
conf = ConfigParser(filename, FORMAT_AUTO,
defaultValues={('another_section', 'animal'): 7,
('cat', 'dog'): None})
print '********** Sections:'
print repr(conf.getSections())
print repr(conf.get('section', 'option'))
print repr(conf.get('section', 'list'))
conf.set('section', 'option2', 9)
conf.set('another_section', 'moose', 'animal')
print repr(conf.get('another_section', 'moose'))
print repr(conf.get('another_section', 'animal'))
print repr(conf.get('cat', 'moose'))
print repr(conf.get('cat', 'fish', 4))
print str(u'Thomas')
print repr(u'Thomas')