Source code for src.instruments.keithley220

``Instrument`` representation of a Keithley 220 DC Current Source

from src.core import instrument as inst
from src.core.action import Action, ActionSpec, ParameterSpec

from src.core.instrument import visa

from import general

OUTPUT_STATUS = ['Off', 'On']

[docs]class Keithley220(inst.Instrument): """Driver for a Keithley 220 current source.""" def __init__(self, experiment, name='Keithley220: DC current source', spec=None): super(Keithley220, self).__init__(experiment, name, spec) self._instrument = None self._info = 'Name: ' + self.getName() self._info += '\nModel: Keithley220 DC current source'
[docs] def initialize(self): """Open the communication channel.""" self._instrument = visa.instrument(self.getSpecification()['Address']) self._info += '\n' + self._instrument.ask('*IDN?')
[docs] def finalize(self): """Close the communication channel.""" self._instrument.write(CURRENT_SET % 0.0) self._instrument.close()
[docs] def getAddress(self): """Return the instrument's VISA resource address.""" return self.getSpecification()[0].value
[docs] def setCurrent(self, current): """Set the current source's output current.""" self._instrument.write(CURRENT_SET % current) return ()
[docs] def getCurrent(self): """Read the output current from the current source.""" return (general.splitAtComma(self._instrument.ask('')), )
[docs] def setOutput(self, output): """Toggle the output current on and off.""" val = OUTPUT_STATUS.index(output) self._instrument.write(OUTPUT_STRING % val)
[docs] def getActions(self): """Return the list of supported actions.""" return [ ActionSpec('set_current', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Set current', 'inputs': [ ParameterSpec('current', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Current', 'formatString': '%.6e', 'binName': 'Current', 'binType': 'column'}) ], 'string': 'Set current to $current.', 'method': self.setCurrent} ), ActionSpec('get_current', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Get current', 'outputs': [ ParameterSpec('current', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Current', 'formatString': '%.6e', 'binName': 'Current', 'binType': 'column'}) ], 'string': 'Read current.', 'method': self.getCurrent} ), ActionSpec('set_outp', Action, {'experiment': self._expt, 'instrument': self, 'description': 'Toggle current output', 'inputs': [ ParameterSpec('output', {'experiment': self._expt, 'description': 'Output', 'formatString': '%s', 'value': 'On', 'allowed': list(OUTPUT_STATUS)}) ], 'string': 'Turn current output $output.', 'method': self.setOutput} ) ] #=========================================================================== # Class methods #===========================================================================
@classmethod def getRequiredParameters(cls): return [inst.InstrumentParameter('VISA Address', '', inst.getVisaAddresses, '%s')]